Other religions
- Hindus: 2%
- Christians: 1.59%
- Bahá'ís: 40,000 to 79,000
- Sikhs: 20,000
- Zoroastrian/Parsis: 1,600 to 20,000
- Kalash: 3,000
- Bahai
- Ahmadiyya
- Irreligion

As of 2012, around 5,900,000 Pakistanis of non-Muslim faiths were holding the Computerised National Identity Card (CNIC cards) from National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA), which can only be obtained by citizens over 18 years of age. It is estimated that some 96% adult Pakistanis currently hold CNIC cards, and therefore the total adult population of non-Muslim religions seems to be over 3 million. Of the minority CNIC holders, 1,414,527 were Hindus (769,647 males and 644,880 females), 1,270,051 were Christians (731,713 males and 538,338 females), 125,681 were Ahmadi Muslims (63,479 males and 62,202 females), 33,734 were Bahais, 6,146 were Sikhs, 4,020 were Parsis, 1,492 were Buddhist and 66,898 were others (such as Kalasha Animists). NADRA has made it near impossible to declare and change the religion to anything from Islam therefore the statistics must be looked at with a pinch of salt.
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