Core Islamic Beliefs: Six Articles of Faith
More than a billion Muslims share a common set of
fundamental beliefs that are described as "Articles of Faith." These
articles of faith form the foundation of Islamic belief system.
1. Belief in One God: The most important teaching of
Islam is that only God is to be served and worshipped. Also, the biggest
sin in Islam is to worship other beings with God. In fact, Muslims
believe that it is the only sin that God does not forgive if a person dies
before repenting from it.
2. Belief in Angels: God created unseen beings called
angels who work tirelessly to administer His kingdom in full obedience.
The angels surround us at all times, each has a duty; some record our words and
3. Belief in Prophets of God: Muslims
believe that God communicates His guidance through human prophets sent to every
nation. These prophets start with Adam and include Noah, Abraham, Moses,
Jesus and Muhammad, peace be upon them. The main message of all the
prophets has always been that there is only One true God and He alone is worthy
of being supplicated to and worshipped.
4. Belief in Revealed Books of God:
Muslims believe that God revealed His wisdom and instructions through ‘books’
to some of the prophets like the Psalms, Torah, and the Gospel. Over
time, however, the original teachings of these books got distorted or
lost. Muslims believe the Quran is God’s final revelation revealed to
Prophet Muhammad and has been fully preserved.
5. Belief in Day of Judgment: The life of
this world and all that is in it will come to an end on an appointed day.
At that time, every person will be raised from the dead. God will judge
each person individually, according to his faith and his good and bad
actions. God will show mercy and fairness in judgment. According to
Islamic teachings, those who believe in God and perform good deeds will be
eternally rewarded in Heaven. Those who reject faith in God will be
eternally punished in the fire of Hell.
6. Belief in Destiny and Divine Decree:
Muslims believe that since God is the Sustainer of all life, nothing happens
except by His Will and with His full knowledge. This belief does not
contradict the idea of free will. God does not force us, our choices are
known to God beforehand because His knowledge is complete. This
recognition helps the believer through difficulties and hardships.
Core Religious Practice of Islam: The Five
"Pillars" of Islam
In Islam, worship is part of daily life and is not limited
to mere rituals. The formal acts of worship are known as the five
"pillars" of Islam. The five pillars of Islam are the
declaration of faith, prayer, fasting, charity, and pilgrimage.
1. Declaration of Faith: The
"Declaration of Faith" is the statement, "La ilaha illa
Allah wa Muhammad Rasul-ullah", meaning "There is no deity
worthy of being worship except God (Allah), and Muhammad is the Messenger
(Prophet) of God"). The Declaration of Faith is more than just a
statement; it must be shown with one's actions. To convert to the faith
of Islam, a person has to say this statement.
2. Daily Prayer: Prayer is a method by
which a Muslim connects to God and gathers spiritual strength and peace of
mind. Muslims perform five formal prayers a day.
3. Zakah: A type of charity. Muslims
recognize that all wealth is a blessing from God, and certain responsibilities
are required in return. In Islam, it is the duty of the wealthy to help
the poor and needy.
4. Fast of Ramadan: Once each year,
Muslims are commanded to fast for an entire month from dawn to sunset.
The period of intense spiritual devotion is known as the fast of Ramadan in
which no food, drink and sex is allowed during the fast. After sunset one
can enjoy these things. During this month Muslims practice self-control
and focus on prayers and devotion. During the fast, Muslims learn to
sympathize with those in the world who have little to eat.
5. The Hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca:
Every Muslim strives to make once-in-a-lifetime pilgrimage to the sacred sites
in Mecca, in present-day Saudi Arabia. It is the most intense spiritual
experience for a Muslim. Typically, 2-3 million perform hajj every