Showing posts with label Tablighi jamat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tablighi jamat. Show all posts

Saturday, 22 July 2017

Famous Islamic Madaris (Universities) in Pakistan

 Jamia Darul Uloom Karachi 
Jamia Darul Uloom Karachi is an Islamic seminary located in Karachi, Pakistan. It continues the tradition of the Darul uloom system initiated by Darul Uloom Deoband.
It was started by the late Mufti Muhammad Shafi and Maulana Noor Ahmad in 1951.[citation needed] He was previously associated with Darul Uloom Deoband, where he also served as the Grand Mufti, but moved to Pakistan following independence in 1947.
The President of Darul Uloom Karachi is the Grand Mufti of PakistanMuhammad Rafi Usmani; the Vice President is Muhammad Taqi Usmani. Both are the children of the founder.

The Jamiah has the following departments:
Nazirah-e- Qur'an (reading the Qur'an)
Tahfeez-ul-Qur'an (memorizing the Noble Qur'an)
Tajweed (Quranic Phonetics)
Department of Islamic Economics
Department of Islamic Law
Department of Islamic Jurisprudence
Department of Hadith
Department of Tafsir
Department of English Language
Department of Politics
Department of Arabic Language
Department of Information Technology

Jamia Uloom-e-Islamia  banori town
Jamia Uloom-e-Islamia is an Islamic School situated in Banoori TownKarachiPakistan. The school continues the tradition of the Darul Uloomsystem initiated by Darul Uloom Deoband. As of 2007, there are about twelve thousand students in different departments of the Jamiah and its branches, including a number of foreign students from over sixty countries all over the world.

To prepare such Ulama and preachers of Islam who are, on one hand, highly qualified in their fields of education and on the other hand, are equipped with the qualities of piety, sincerity and dedication. It should be their sole purpose to safeguard the fundamental tenets of religion, to propagate it and to lead people to the straight path.
To establish contacts with other religious universities, madrasahs and educational centers and to co-operate with them in the field of knowledge, experience and teaching.
To acquaint the new generation with IslamIslamic values, etiquette and Islamic culture.
To publish literature against false and heretic ideologies for the rectification and guidance of the Muslim Ummah.
To arrange translation and publication of important and useful Arabic books into Urdu and vice versa.

Jamia Banoria international
Jamia Binoria is an international Deobandi Islamic educational institute located in KarachiSindhPakistan. It is regarded as one of the most modern madrassas. It should not be confused with the Jamia Uloom-ul-Islamia madrassa in Binori Town, Karachi.

Jamia Binoria was founded by Mufti Muhammed Naeem in Rajab 1398 A.H. or 1978 CE.It is affiliated to Ittehad Tanzeematul Madaris-e-Deeniya (ITMD), a confederacy of five religious education boards.[2] At one time, Jamiah Binoria is said to have had the highest enrollment of foreign students in Pakistan.
But the international enrollment dropped following the September 11, 2001 attacks.[3] In 2005, it had around 3,000 male and 500 female students, including students from United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany and the Far East
Administration Department
Computer Department
Dar-ul-Iftaa Department
Department of Books (Kutub)
Department of Hifz-ul-Quran
Department of Publication
Department of Tajweed-ul-Quran
Department of Takhassus
Department of weekley akhbarul madaris
Department of "FATWA" for free Religious Help
Department of Writer
Madrasa-tul-Banat (Female Section)
Jamiatur Rasheed, Karachi
Jamiatur Rasheed, Karachi, also known as Kulya-tush-Shariah, Jamia-tur-Rasheed, is an Islamic institution situated in KarachiSindhPakistan.
Hazrat Mufti Rasheed Ahmed Ludhianwi has established the Jamiah.It is a distinctive institution of religious studies providing for a comprehensive system of imparting religious studies. The Jamiah is a great addition in the leading educational and religious institutions of the country. Within a short period of time, the Jamiah has become well-known both in home and abroad and has joined the rank of huge seminaries of Pakistan.
 Jamiatur Rasheed, Karachi gives education without charging any fee instead students are given monthly stipend
The education system of the Jamiah is arranged into the following categories:
Long Courses:
These persist throughout the educational year (lasting from the Islamic month of Shawwal till Rajab) and include the following:
Nazra-wa-Hifzay Qur'an Majeed
Mahadul Lughatul Arabia
Kulya-tul-Takhasus: This faculty consists of five specialization courses.
i. Specialization in Fatwa
ii. Specialization in teaching
iii. Arabic Language Course
iv. English Language Course
v. Urdu Journalism Course

Short Courses:
These courses are taught at appropriate times for a certain period during the educational year or during vacations. These courses vary in duration, including mostly non-curricular activities.
(i). Qaza (Fatwa) Course
(ii). Islamic Banking Course.
(iii). Summer Camp.
Jamiah Farooqia, Karachi 
Jamiah Farooqia, Karachi is one of the notable Islamic institutions of Pakistan. The Jamiah was established in 1967.
At present, there are 2300 students enrolled in the different educational sections. Jamiah Farooqia provides its students, tuition, books, food, lodging, medical care, and other facilities without charging a single unit of currency for them. All expenses are met through donations and charitable gifts from Muslim Ummah.

The Jamiah has the following departments:
Department of Hifz and Tajweed-e-Qur'an
Department of Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh)
Department of Qur'an
Department of Hadeeth
Department of Fatwa
Department of Composition and Compiling
The Jamiah has the following divisions:
Farooqia Medical Centre
Idarah Al-Farooq Karachi (Periodicals & Journals)
General Missionary Services (Preaching & Propagation)

Jamia Ashrafia  Lahore,
Jamia Ashrafia  Lahore, Pakistan, is a religious educational institution founded by Mufti Muhammad Hasan in 1947. The university has produced scholars of the Deobandi school and Deobandi scholars have served the university as teachers.
Jamia Ashrafia, Lahore a premier seat of Islamic learning was founded by an extremely pious dignitary Maulana Mufti Muhammad Hassan (RA) in September 1947, soon zafter the creation of Pakistan; and since then it has been serving the cause of Islamic education with missionary spirit to inculcate the humanitarian values among its pupils & associates as ordained by Allah – the Solo Creator of the Universe.
Thousands of scholars have since graduated from this JAMIA, and are busy spreading the beacon of Islamic light to people all over the world. There are ten other branches of the JAMIA at Lahore.

Among the most conspicuous Madaris was the one at Lahore, founded only a month after independence i.e. on 14 September 1947 by Mufti Muhammad Hassan (RA) an extremely noble apostle (Khalifa-e-Arshad) of Hakimul Ummat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (RA).
Due to great regards & esteem for his illustrious spiritual guide and in recognition of his services to prevail upon the Ulamah for united efforts for the creation of an independent homeland (Pakistan) for Muslims, Mufti Muhammad Hassan (RA) named this Institution at Lahore as JAMIA ASHRAFIA .

Jamia Usmania peshawar
The Darul-Uloom Jamia Usmania is also a Islamic University as college. its discipline is very famous.

The Darul-Uloom Jamia Usmania is affiliated with the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Peshawar (BISEP). The jamia give admission only to those students who are selected in the top 50 students of merit list applied for the admission across the province. Interestingly, he said, adding that the BISEP in Secondary School Certificate (SSC) arts group in annual exam of 2016 the first position holder was a student of Jamia Usmania.
Jamia Darululoom Haqania Akora Khatak
The Objectives of Jamia Stated Below
(1)    Imparting religious and Arabic education.

(2)    Interpreting correct and rational beliefs with based on Quran and sunna
(3)   Safeguarding an Islamic and Arabic culture.
(4)   Countering the false beliefs.
(5)   Enhancing capabilities of teachers and students for Islamic preaching and
        effective teaching
(6)   Writing and compiling books and training preachers of Islam be sent
        towards east and west.
(7)    Conforming the inner self outer aspect of Muslim life and behaviors
(8)    Equipping holy warriors with culture and moral.
Faculty of Islamic jurisprudence:
The faculty of Ifta for the purposes of research and higher study in jurisprudence is in a balanced acceleration. This faculty specialized in the fact that how a divine directive is derived out of the Islamic sources of law.
 Faculty of Dawat & Tableegh:

The teacher as well as the whole members of the institution discharge their duties of Dawath-e-tableegh according to the instructions of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) as well as that of SAHABA (companions) (R.A)
 Takhassus fil Hadith (Ph.D in Hadith):
In 1424h. Doctor Sher Ali Shah Sahab started this class with the consultation of Maulana Sami ul Haq. Doctor Sher Ali Shah Sahab is leading the course till today. The Jamia has seen very good results in the past 2 years. Students are taught to do researches, Study books, Locate Ahadith, they are also taught Hadith rules.
 Takhassus Fil Fiqha (Ph.D in Islamic Jurisprudence):
Maulana Sami ul Haq sahab started this course in 1409 h under the supervision of Sheikh ul Hadith sahab. It started with Mufti Fareed sahab and Mufti Ghulam ur Rehman sahab as the teachers. After these two teachers left the Jamia, two other teachers,Mufti Ghulam Qadir Nomani and Mufti Mukhtar ullah are leading the course under the supervision of Maulana Anwar ul Haq sahab. Admission depends on ability. Only a specified number of students are admitted. Students must have good qualification as well as ability in Islamic education. Students are taught to compose, do researches, study books, and learn to make Islamic rulings. This class has been more successful than expected.
 Takmeel (The "Completion" Course):
Books related to Philosophy, Beliefs, Maths, or Astrology etc, (that have not been read in Dars e Nizami) are taught in this course. This course is going on very well under the supervision of professional teachers.
Hifz-ul-Quran (Learning the Quran by Heart) and Pronunciation:
This class had started right from the beginning. But in 1981, a two storey building was built especially for it, Hazrat Sheikh ul Hadith laid its foundation stone on Friday 19 December 1981 along with other teachers of the Jamia. There are 8 teachers  and 300 students in it at the moment,and also thousands are become Hafiz Quran. Molana Qari Shafi ullha is the Incharg.
English Language Course:
There is an English language institute to learn English in the Jamia. Students wanting to learn English are taught English in the supervision of professional teachers, so that our students may be equipped with this important faculty.
Aims of this course:
To keep awareness about the English language.
It is an international language so it is essential for the globalization of Islamic teachings.
To keep awareness of new science terminology which are related to the Holy Quran and prescribed in English Language
To keep awareness of the challenger of the new world
 Future Planning in English Language:
To establish a department of English language and English skill
To enable the students to translate the Arabic, Urdu and Pushto Books into English to demonstrate the teaching of Islam to the world.
To illustrate and explore the life of the Holy prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Writing has a major role in education, and everyone knows that every person's handwriting does not be perfect, which is why the Jamia has arranged a Faculty of "Calligraphy", so that students may improve their handwriting, the Jamia has professional teachers in this faculty. Incharge of this section is Molana Himyat ul Haq.
Jamia freedia Islamabad
Jamia Faridia Sahiwal is an Islamic Institute in Sahiwal Pakistan.
This Institute started its educational career in 1963. Mufassir e Quran Hazrat Allama Peer Abul Nasar Manzoor Ahmdad Shah Sahib is the Founder and the Principal of this Religious Institute. It imparts in Islamic Education e.g. Dars-e-Nizami, Hifz ul Quran, Tajveed, Fazil Arabic, Mufti Course as well as Computer Courses and Matric, F.A, B.A and M.A. It has an emblematic system of education. Moreover, it gives the opportunities to its students to deponent their activities like Tilawat , Naat , Debate and in play ground. Until now more than 13193 students have been completed their education. And they are serving their religious services in the whole world. In present, almost 1900 students (male and female) are studying in Jamia Faridia Sahiwal. It provides them accommodation, mess and medical facilities quite free of charge.

Jamia imdadia Faisal Abad
Jamia Islamia Imdadia is a religious university, imparting religious eduction to the people since more than three decades. It was founded by the esteemed personality Sheikh ul Hadith Hazrat Moulana Nazir Ahamd. Jamia offers the different courses to the persons of all community. People of all ages are enrolled for these courses. The brief description of the courses offerred by the Jamia is being listed below. 

Dars e Nizami
Dars e Nizami is a major course of religious eduction. Duration of this this course is 8 year. Eligible for this course should have passed the Secondary School Certificate (Matric) or Elementary School Certificate (Middle).
The students who have passed Dars e Nizami course are offerred Specialization in Fiqah. This course duration is 3 years. The admission is given to the selected student. These students are trained under the supervsion of expert scholars (Mufti).
Drasaat denia
Drasaat e denia is short course offerred by Wafaq ul Madaris. Its duration is of 2 years. Matric pass person are eligible for this course. This is specially designed for persons who are students of colleges or from bussiness community.
Hifz ul Quran
Hifz ul Quran al Karim deparment of Jamia provides the opportunity to learn quran by heart (Hifz the quran). Persons of all ages can get addmission in this course. Expert Teachers (Qaries) are appointed to educate the students.
Qira'art & Tajweed
In Qira'at and Tajweed course, senior and expert teachers are appointed to train the students in Qira'at and Tajweed.
Nazira Quran Pak
Jamia also provides the Nazira education to the students. The classes are held daily in the moring and evening. The students come daily, Jamia does not privde residence to these students.
Dar ul Iftah
Dar ul Iftah is a most importent department of Jamia. It servers the people to solve their religious issue by giving guidance in the light of Sharia. The Dar ul Iftah department is running under the expert Mufties (Schollars) who also have the eyes on the Jadeed Masaael (Latest issues).

Short Courses
Jamia Islamia Imdadia also offers the different short courses from time to time. People of all community show the interest in these short courses and join these courses and get benefits of these courses.
Khairul madaris multan
Jamia Khair-ul-Madaris is located in MultanPunjabPakistan. It is one of the Islamic seminaries in the South Asia. It was founded by an Islamic scholar, a saint and a teacher of Islamic learning Hazrat Maulana Khair Muhammad Jalandhari on 19th of Shawal, 1349 AH (9 March 1931, AD) at Jalandhar (now in Indian Punjab), under the patronage of Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi who was an Islamic revivalist, a sage of his time and the spiritual preceptor of the founder of the Jamia.

After the emergence of Pakistan, Hazrat Maulana Khair Muhammad migrated to Pakistan and settled in Multan. He revived the Jamia in Multan as it is an historical city of southern Punjab. The founder was asked with insistence to do so by Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ali Jalandhari. The Jamia was revived at Multan on 22nd of Zul-Qada, 1366 AH.(18 October 1947).

Multan is situated in the heart of Pakistan and possesses a great historical significance. The alumni of this Jamia serve the cause of Islam within and without the country; a number of them have established a network of Islamic seminaries throughout Pakistan. The contributions of the Jamia's scholar students have brought the name and fame at the top of the list of Islamic Madaris in Pakistan.
Jamia Alkauthar University  Islamabad (Shiite Theology)
Alkauthar University (Alkosar) is a Shia public, research university in Islamabad Capital Territory of Pakistan. It is located in Sector H-8/2 and initially founded as the "Islamic University" in 2002. The university was named as “Alkauthar” at the name of Sura e Kauthar and in memory of Syeda Fatima Zahra SMA.

The University is one of the top Shia institutions of Pakistan which has qualified team of teachers and researchers. It is known as best Shia Islamic University overall Pakistan.

Foundation stone was laid in 1990 of a modern religious education center named “Jamia tu Al Kauthar”.
In 2002 the Jamia started its academic activities.
One of the largest Shiite educational institution in the sub-continent.

Jamia Naeemia Lahore 
Jamia Naeemia Lahore is an Islamic University in Lahore associated with the Sunni Barelvi movement.It was founded by Mufti Muhammad Husain Naeemi, father of Sarfraz Ahmed Naeemi. It serves as largest Sunni institution for the Barelvi movement in Pakistan.[2]
The word "Naeemi" and "Naeemia" is taken from name of Naeem-ud-Deen Muradabadi, who was a close fellow and pupil of Ahmed Raza Khan. Dr.Raghib Hussain Naeemi is the present principal of the institution

The foundation of the DAR-UL-ULOOM NAEEMIA was laid on the first day of the fifteenth century Hijrah i.e. Muharram 1, 1401 (November 11,1980). This landmark of the beginning of the new Century symbolizes the aspirations and hopes of the Muslim Ummah for an Islamic renaissance.
Note:Deobandis and Barelvis are the two major groups of Muslims in the Subcontinent apart from the Shia.Those hostile to the Barelvis deprecated them as the shrine-worshipping, the grave-worshiping, ignorant Barelvis. Much smaller sects in Pakistan include the Ahl-e-Hadees and Ahl-e-Tashee.
The Muslim League was founded by the Aga Khan, leader of the Ismaili Sevener Shiites. And Jinnah was an Ismaili. The differences between these sects can be difficult to understand. For the Barelvis, (who are mostly from the Pakistan province of Punjab) the holy Prophet is a superhuman figure whose presence is all around us at all times; he is hazir, present; he is not bashar, material or flesh, but nur, light. The Deobandis, who also revere the Prophet, argue he was the insan-i-kamil, the perfect person, but still only a man, a mortal. Barelvis emphasise a love of Muhammad, a semi-divine figure with unique foreknowledge.

The Barelvis follow many Sufi practices, including use of music (Qawwali) and intercession by their teacher. A key difference between Barelvi and Deobandi that Barelvi's believe in intercession between humans and Divine Grace. This consists of the intervention of an ascending, linked and unbroken chain of holy personages, pirs, reaching ultimately to Prophet Mohammad, who intercede on their behalf with Allah. It is a more superstitious - but also a more tolerant - tradition of Indian Islam. Their critics claim that Barelvis are guilty of committing innovation (Bid'at) and therefore, they are deviated from the true path - the path of Sunnah.
The Barelvis believe the Prophet is a human being made from flesh and blood [bashar] and a noor [light] at the same time. This is like the example of when Gabriel, who is also noor [light], used to appear to the Prophet in the form of a man, flesh and blood. He is infallible and perfect and free from all imperfections and sinless (as are all Prophets). He is human but not like other humans. Allah has given him the ability to see the whole of Creation in detail while he is in his blessed grave as if he was looking at it in the palm of his hand. This is called being "nazir" ("witnessing"). Allah has given him the ability to go physically and spiritually to anywhere in the Created Universes he pleases whenever he pleases (peace be upon him) and to be in more than one place at the same time. This is what is meant by "hazir" (present). This is not the same as believing that he (peace be upon him) is present everywhere all the time! 
In Pakistan, prominent Sunni Barelvi religious and political organizations include:
a.       Jamiat Ulema-e-Pakistan.
b.      Sunni Ittehad Council.
c.       Jamaat Ahle Sunnat.
d.      Dawat-e-Islami.
e.      Sunni Tehreek.

Markaz Jamiat Ahle Hadith
Jamiat Ahle Hadith : "Assembly of followers of the Sayings of the prophet") is a religio-political party in Pakistan promoting the Ahle Hadees religious movement. Researcher Bizaa Zeynab Ali describes them as lacking a significant popular base of support but "sustained by free-flowing Saudi money, assisted by a mainstream political party (Pakistan Muslim League (N)) and protected by Pakistani intelligence services" (the Inter-Services Intelligence).
Originally a religious group, it was launched as a political party in 1986 by leader Ehsan Elahi Zaheer, with generous Saudi funding and support, to spread its 'revivalist program' from 'mosques and madrassas' to the public sphere.According to Olivier Roy, JAH opposed government involvement in affairs of sharia law -- unlike similar Islamic groups.[2] However an interview with its leader (Sajid Mir) posted on its website circa 2010 states that it seeks to address what Mir calls the "deliberate and organized efforts at the state level to replace honorable Muslim values in society with the offensive Western culture". JAH is also strongly sectarian and aggressively antagonistic to those Muslims it believes are not true Muslims, such as Shia, and especially the Ahmadi, preaching on their website that "the religious duty of every Muslim" is "to dispatch an Ahmedis to hell".Even Sunni revivalist Deobandis have been attacked by the JAH as mushrikin (polytheists) "for their veneration of the Prophet", according to B.Z. Ali.Zaheer was assassinated in 1987, probably by a Shia As of 2014 the party is led by Professor Sajid Mir.
Raiwind Markaz 
Raiwind Markaz is a building Complex, consisting the main Mosque, Islamic Madrassa and residential areas) located in the neighourhood of Raiwind city, near LahorePakistan and is the home of the religious movement Tablighi Jamaat in Pakistan.
Tablighi Jamaat is a non-political global Sunni Islamic missionary movement that focuses on urging Muslims to return to primary Sunni Islam,and particularly in matters of ritual, dress, and personal behavior.The organisation is estimated to have between 12 million and 150 million adherents (the majority living in South Asia), and a presence in somewhere between 150 and 213 countries. It has been called "one of the most influential religious movements in 20th century Islam".
The movement was started in 1927 by Muhammad Ilyas al-Kandhlawi in India.Its stated primary aim is spiritual reformation of Islam by reaching out to Muslims across social and economic spectra and working at the grassroots level, to bring them in line with the group's understanding of Islam.The teachings of Tabligh Jamaat are expressed in "Six Principles" (KalimahSalatIlmIkraam-e-Muslim, Ikhlas-e-Niyyat, Dawat-o-Tableegh).Tablighi Jamaat believes that Muslims are in a constant state of spiritual Jihad in the sense of fight against evil, the weapon of choice is Dawah (proselytization) and that battles are won or lost in the "hearts of men."
Tablighi Jamaat began as an offshoot of the Deobandi movement, and a response to perceived deteriorating moral values and a supposed negligence of aspects of Islam.[14] It expanded from a local to a national to an international movement.
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killing of Muslims (1) Kirthar (1) KKH (2) KKH road (1) Kohistan (5) KP Government reforms (1) KPK (2) KPK Government reforms (1) Lahore (1) Lake (1) lal masjid (1) Lal Shahbaz Qalandar (1) Lal Suhanra (1) Lalazar (1) Leaders (1) Leepa (1) Liberals (1) live Pakistani Dramas (1) Live Tv (2) local (1) Lohre (1) Lulusar lake (1) Machiara (1) Madaris in Pakistan (1) Maheen Lake (1) Malam jaba (1) Mangla (1) Manzoor Pushteen (1) Margala (1) masjid toba (1) Military college (1) Minhajul Quran (1) Missing peoples (1) mohabat khan (1) Molana Fazal rehman (1) Most beautiful valley of pakistan (1) Mountains (3) MQM (1) Multan (2) Murree (1) Mushaburum (1) Muzaffarabad (1) Myanmar Muslim (1) N35 (1) Naeemia (1) Naga Parbat (1) Nalter valley (1) Naran (1) NATCO (1) Nathiagali (1) national (1) National parks of Pakistan (1) Nawaz Sharif (4) Neelam valley (1) Neelum valley (1) New trends in Politics (1) news (1) newspapers (2) NGO (1) NGOs activities in Pakistan (1) NGOs in Pakistan (1) No by JIT report supreme court of Pakistan (1) Nomad (1) non profit NGO (1) Northern area (1) Not a single Prime Minister of Pakistan completed five-year term in Pakistan (1) old civilization (1) Operation (1) OPF colleges (1) opposition party (2) Pak China (1) Pak china economic corridor (1) Pak china friendship (1) Pakistan (19) Pakistan Beauty (2) Pakistan birds (1) Pakistan education (1) Pakistan muslim league (1) Pakistan peoples party (1) Pakistan real opposition party (1) Pakistan tehrik insaf (1) Pakistan winter season (1) Pakistani (1) Pakistani culture (1) Pakistani Politics.Politics (1) Palas Kohistan (1) palas valley (2) Palestine (2) Panama papers (1) Panama verdict by Supreme Court of Pakistan (1) Panjal (1) Parliament of Pakistan (1) Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (1) PAT (1) peace tv.india tv news (1) Peaks (1) Peer (1) Peridot (1) perodot (1) Peshawar (1) PIEAS (1) Pir Sohawa (1) PM appeal to SC (1) PM legal attack (1) PM Nawaz disqualified (1) PM nawaz sharif disqualified (1) PML N (1) PMs history in Pakistan (1) Poetry (1) Poets (1) Polictics (1) Politic of Pakistan (1) Political Parties of Pakistan (1) Polo (1) poor quality of education in Pakistan (1) Port (1) Powerful Parties of Pakistan (1) PPP (2) Prime minister pakistan (2) psychological affect in children (1) PTI (4) PTI struggle regarding Panama papers (1) PTI workers and gulalai (1) PTM (1) ptv sports (1) Pukhtun (1) punjab college (1) Punjab university (1) pure water (1) Quai-e-azam university (1) Quaid-e-Azam Residency (1) Queta (1) Quetta (1) quetta city (1) Raiwind Markaz (1) Rakaposhi (1) Ranikot (1) rare birds of Pakistan (1) red fort (1) reforms (1) religions in pakistan (1) report (1) Revolution in Pakistan (1) right to education (1) River (1) Rohingya (1) Rohtas (1) Sabazai .Mirani (1) saiful malook (1) saifulmaluk lake (1) Sakardu (1) sakina sughra (1) Samaa (1) Sazin (1) School (1) Shah (1) shah jahan (1) Shams (1) Shandur (1) Shandur Festival (1) Shandur valley (1) Shangrila (1) Shatial (1) shepherd (1) Shias (1) Shogran (1) shrine (1) shrines in Pakistan (1) situation (1) Skardu (1) sky news (1) smaa tv (1) Society (1) special case (1) stay home save life (1) street children (1) success stories (1) Sufism (1) Sultan Bahu (1) Sunni (1) Supat valley (2) Suppat (1) supreme court JIT (1) Supreme court of Pakistan (1) Swat (2) swat valley (1) Syria (1) Syria War (1) Tablighi jamat (1) Tabrez (1) Tahirul Qadri (1) Tangir (1) Tangir bridge Northern area (1) Tarbela (1) terrorism (1) Tex free (1) Thakot bridge (1) Thor valley (1) Thore (2) Thore valley (1) Tomb (1) Top colleges (1) top colleges of Pakistan (1) Top Universities of Pakistan (1) tourism in Pakistan (1) trauma (1) Trekking (1) TV (1) Uch Sharif (1) UN (1) UNESCO (1) unique culture (1) urdu literature (1) urdu poetry (1) Urs (2) Valley (1) values (1) Veterinary and animal (1) Village (1) village life (1) villages of Gilgit baltistan (1) violation of child right (1) Violation of human rights (1) wafaqulmadaris (1) Wagah border ceremony (1) War (1) wazir khan (1) what is JIT (1) What is joint investigation committee (1) wildlife (3) winter tour (1) winter zone tourist spots (1) women college (1) wwe wresling (1) zarb e azab (1) ziarat (2) بابوسر تاپ ، Naran (1) جنگلی حیات،Markhor (1) مذاہب پاکستان (1) نیلم (1)